
“Do your little bit of good where you are;
it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

—Desmond Tutu

Kids and Nature


Openlands: Educating Schools and Communities

Openlands educational programs create opportunities for students, teachers, and schools that deepen their connection to their community and the natural world. Our programs center long-term relationship-building with school partners, working with students to see nature in a school garden, around their neighborhoods, and across landscapes.

The Big Deal about Natural Playgrounds

There has never been a time when being outdoors was more important to a child. Parents and educators agree that kids need more time outdoors.So what are you waiting for? Just tell your kid to play outside.

Community Managed Open Space

NeighborSpace is the only nonprofit urban land trust in Chicago that preserves and sustains gardens on behalf of dedicated community groups. We shoulder the responsibilities of property ownership — such as providing basic insurance, access to water, and links to support networks — so that community groups can focus on gardening.